The kids went back to school on Tuesday. So this has been a week of settling into a new schedule. Hunter, my youngest, only goes to school 2 days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). So Tuesday was also his first day of school. My husband always goes into work late on the VERY first day of school for each of the kids (preschool). That way he can be there for the very first time they go in and find their cubby and all that. So we got all the kids up extra early so we could all go and drop Hunter off at the 2's and 3's program at our local community college. So I took the usual first day of school photo with the 3 of my boys together before we left for Hunter's school.
Then, of course I had to take a picture of Hunter outside his classroom door just like I do to all my kids on their first day of preschool.
He looks really scared in this picture but he did pretty good. I told him the whole way to school that he would be at school for a little while without me and then I would come back after he ate his lunch and I could come get him. So when we left he made a sad face but the teacher showed him some toys and he went off to play.
Then, after we got back to the house I grabbed the boys lunches and we headed out to the bus stop. So I had to take the first day at school bus stop picture that the boys hate. Kurtis is in 4th grade now and Brandon is in 1st grade. Most people think they are twins because Brandon is so big. Kurtis is in the camo and Brandon has the red shorts.
Back at the preschool, when I came to pick Hunter up he was standing by the door waiting for me with his bookbag on and lunch box in hand. The teacher said, "As soon as he was done his lunch he got up and took his lunch box to his cubby grabbed his bookbag and just stood there" So obviously he was listening this morning when I told him I'd pick him up after he was done eating lunch. Since we got him up so early and dropped him off at school so early he was TIRED and pretty much instantly fell asleep on the ride home from school.

Usually I don't put my kids into preschool until they are ready for pre-k so they have that year of a school type setting so kindergarten isn't a total shock to them. With Hunter, he only turned 3 on the 2nd. The only reason I have him in so early is because of his speech delay. His speech therapist said that it would really help him. So I'm hoping that it's true and he talks a lot more soon. He still has speech therapy but I want to do all I can to help promote him to speak. I also don't usually drop him off so early. I take him after the boys get on the bus and today was his 2nd day of school and his last day of school for this week. He did good today. He went right in and when he noticed I was talking to a teacher outside his classroom door he came back and dragged me into the room by the shirt. He put his lunch box and bookbag in his cubby and I gave him a kiss and he went and stood in line to wash his hands for morning snack and I left. When I came back to pick him up he wasn't done eating so he was sitting at the table with his lunch box and it was adorable! He saw me and ran to me and hugged my leg. So I think he's good with school. I guess it's only me that comes home and feels weird in a completely silent house. I did get a lot of cleaning done today and I even got a good workout in before I went to go pick him back up after lunch. Of course, the second my other boys came home from school the house got trashed again but I DID feel like I accomplished a lot today even if No one can tell now. 😸
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