Wednesday, August 23, 2017

It's my birthday!

Yup, I'm officially 35 today. Kurtis(my oldest) woke me up this morning to tell me he made me a special breakfast. He had cut up bananas and strawberries and out it on toast. As sweet as that was I wasn't gonna eat that toast and feel terrible all day so I just scrapped the fruit off my toast and out it in my oatmeal instead. Still tasty and delicious and it's the sweet thought that counts the most for me.

On the table was a multi -movie DVD of some of my favorite Melissa McCarthy movies including bridesmaids (which is one of my favorite Kristen Wiig movies too) and the best part is it had the free Vudu digital copy too. I LOVE buying movies that have the free digital copy on Vudu because we have Rokus all over our house and we don't have DVD players everywhere. Plus, if I am out and about and I want to watch a movie while I have lunch or while I am waiting for something or someone I can just pop out my phone and watch or listen to a movie anywhere I want. Pretty snazzy!!!!!

The card though, it cracked me up. For my husband's birthdays, I always write out a meaningful message and Kris is a man of small words so he always gets me a funny card. This year, I got a giggle. You guys, check out this card......

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